School Profile

Spring Grove School 2003 Ltd

Spring Grove School 2003 Ltd Profile

Location: Find a school in TN25 5EZ or in Ashford

Spring Grove School is a private school located in Harville Road Wye Ashford TN25 5EZ. Founded in 2003, it has grown to become one of the leading independent primary schools in Kent, offering education for children from 4 to 11 years of age. The school provides a broad and balanced curriculum and creates an encouraging, stimulating and safe environment for children to learn and develop. Spring Grove School strives to inspire pupils to achieve the highest standards in academic, artistic and sporting excellence, while developing self-confidence, strong character and respect for others. In addition to the academic work, the school also provides a range of extra-curricular activities, such as swimming, music, art and drama classes, to promote lifelong learning and open young minds to different ways of thinking.*

GSSLA Code Name: E10000016

Boarders: No Boarders

Special Classes: No Special Classes

Head: Mr W Jones (Headteacher)

Administrative Ward: Wye

Physical Addres

Harville Road Wye
TN25 5EZ

Postal Addres

Harville Road Wye
TN25 5EZ

Nearby Extra-curricular Activities

Extra-curricular activities at Spring Grove School 2003 Ltd at Harville Road Wye Ashford TN25 5EZ include: basketball, chess, drama productions, English club, FCC (For Children with Special Needs), French club, music club, poetry club, and robotics club.

Public Transport

The nearest public transport to Spring Grove School 2003 Ltd at Harville Road, Wye, Ashford, TN25 5EZ is Ashford International railway station, located approximately 4.9 miles away, and Wye railway station, located approximately 4.1 miles away. Additionally, there are regular buses from Ashford International station to Wye, and from Wye to the School. The bus services nearest the school include the 1A to Wye (30 minutes) and the 722 to Ashford International station (60 minutes).

Shops and Restaurants in the area

There are a number of shops and restaurants near Spring Grove School 2003 Ltd at Harville Road Wye Ashford TN25 5EZ. Some examples include a chemist, a supermarket, a Chinese takeaway, and a pub.

School Fees

There are no school fees for Spring Grove School 2003 Ltd at Harville Road Wye Ashford TN25 5EZ.

School Social Media

The Facebook page is
The Twitter page is @SpringGroveSchool2003
The Instagram page is @SpringGroveSchool
The Pinterest page is
The LinkedIn page is

Additional Contact Info

Telephone: +44 (0)1233 810752
Email: [email protected]

Contact Details

Telephone: 1233812337

Parliamentary Constituency: Ashford
Administrative Ward: Wye
Geographic Location: Rural hamlet and isolated dwellings
LSOA: Ashford 001E
Special Classes: No Special Classes

Admissions Policy: Non-selective


FAQs - Spring Grove School 2003 Ltd

Spring Grove School 2003 Ltd currently has 185 pupils attending from ages 3 to 11.

  • Girls: 100
  • Boys: 85

The listed Religious Character for Spring Grove School 2003 Ltd is None.

Spring Grove School 2003 Ltd Boarder policy is defined as: No Boarders<

Spring Grove School 2003 Ltd currently has pupils attending from ages 3 to 11.

Spring Grove School 2003 Ltd is a Mixed school.

Spring Grove School 2003 Ltd has a pupil capacity of 206.

  • Teen Mothers: Not applicable
  • Child care facilities: Not applicable

Special Educational Needs (SEN) program: No current program .

Spring Grove School 2003 Ltd is Other Independent School.

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