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School Profile

Rise Park Infant And Nursery School

Rise Park Infant And Nursery School Profile

Location: Find a school in NG5 5EL or in Nottingham

Rise Park Infant and Nursery School is located in West Rise Park Estate, Nottingham. It provides children with the opportunity to learn and develop in a safe, friendly and stimulating environment. The school has a committed and passionate staff team that is dedicated to providing high quality education and experiences for each and every child during their time at the school. The school offers a wide range of educational activities such as music, dance, art, drama and ICT, as well as outdoor learning, sport and games. The school has strong links with the local community and encourages children to develop their independence, wellbeing and self-confidence. The ethos of the school is one of support and nurture, preparing the children for the next stage in their lives.*

GSSLA Code Name: E06000018

Boarders: No Boarders

Special Classes: No Special Classes

Head: Mrs C J Castledine (Headteacher)

Administrative Ward: Bulwell Forest

Physical Addres

Bestwood Park Drive West Rise Park Estate Rise Park

Postal Addres

Bestwood Park Drive West Rise Park Estate Rise Park

Nearby Extra-curricular Activities

Some extra-curricular activities that are available near Rise Park Infant and Nursery School at Bestwood Park Drive West Rise Park Estate Nottingham NG5 5EL include football, rugby, cricket, and tennis.

Public Transport

Public transport near Rise Park Infant and Nursery School at Bestwood Park Drive West Rise Park Estate Nottingham NG5 5EL includes the Nottingham City Transport bus service. The nearest bus stops are at Bestwood Park Drive (Stop EF), Wood Lane (Stop EG), and Bridle Lane (Stop EE). The buses that service these stops are the 20, 21, 22, 24, and 28. Additionally, the Trent Barton Rainbow One service can be accessed from Wood Lane. The nearest train station is Bulwell, located 2.6 miles away with connections to Nottingham City Centre.

Shops and Restaurants in the area

There are several shops and restaurants near Rise Park Infant and Nursery School at Bestwood Park Drive West Rise Park Estate Nottingham NG5 5EL. These include a supermarket, a pizza place, a Chinese restaurant, and a range of other eateries.

School Fees

There are no school fees for Rise Park Infant and Nursery School at Bestwood Park Drive West Rise Park Estate Nottingham NG5 5EL.

School Social Media

The facebook, twitter, instagram, Pinterest and linkedin pages for Rise Park Infant and Nursery School at Bestwood Park Drive West Rise Park Estate Nottingham NG5 5EL are as follows:

Additional Contact Info

Phone: 0115 915 5333

Contact Details

Telephone: 1159539206

Parliamentary Constituency: Nottingham North
Administrative Ward: Bulwell Forest
Geographic Location: Urban minor conurbation
LSOA: Nottingham 001A
Special Classes: No Special Classes

Admissions Policy: Not applicable


FAQs - Rise Park Infant And Nursery School

Rise Park Infant and Nursery School currently has pupils attending from ages 3 to 7.

  • Girls:
  • Boys:

The listed Religious Character for Rise Park Infant and Nursery School is Does not apply.

Rise Park Infant and Nursery School Boarder policy is defined as: No Boarders<

Rise Park Infant and Nursery School currently has pupils attending from ages 3 to 7.

Rise Park Infant and Nursery School is a Mixed school.

Rise Park Infant and Nursery School has a pupil capacity of .

  • Teen Mothers: Not applicable
  • Child care facilities: Not applicable

Special Educational Needs (SEN) program: No current program .

Rise Park Infant and Nursery School is Community School.

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