Co 1st and 2nd Floors, Leeds House 11a Yorkshire Street
OL16 1BH
Co 1st and 2nd Floors, Leeds House 11a Yorkshire Street
OL16 1BH
Telephone: 1706644471
Parliamentary Constituency: Rochdale
Administrative Ward: Central Rochdale
Geographic Location: Urban major conurbation
LSOA: Rochdale 010C
Special Classes: Has Special Classes
Admissions Policy:
Hunt Close Greencorns currently has pupils attending from ages 10 to 18.
The listed Religious Character for Hunt Close Greencorns is None.
Hunt Close Greencorns Boarder policy is defined as: Children's Home (Boarding School)<
Hunt Close Greencorns currently has pupils attending from ages 10 to 18.
Hunt Close Greencorns is a Mixed school.
Hunt Close Greencorns has a pupil capacity of 1.
The is Mrs Angela Norris-Heyes.
Special Educational Needs (SEN) program: SEMH - Social, Emotional and Mental Health~SLD - Severe Learning Difficulty .
Hunt Close Greencorns is Other Independent Special School.
Schools 4 SA is always looking to expand the information on the website and we will try and assist with your queries on.