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School Profile

Haxby Road Primary School

Haxby Road Primary School Profile

Location: Find a school in YO31 8JN or in York

Haxby Road Primary School is located in York, England. Established in 1859, it is an excellent school community, with a long track record of providing a high standard of education and creating an environment that is nurturing and enjoyable for both students and staff. The school is committed to promoting a culture of learning which provides an engaging, challenging curriculum. It offers a wide range of learning experiences, both in and out of the classroom, with a focus on creativity and problem-solving. Haxby Road Primary School prides itself on being a friendly and inclusive environment, where staff and students work together to create a safe, supportive and enjoyable learning environment.*

GSSLA Code Name: E06000014

Boarders: No Boarders

Special Classes: Has Special Classes

Head: Mrs Jane Golightly (Acting Headteacher)

Administrative Ward: Clifton

Physical Addres

154 Haxby Road
North Yorkshire
YO31 8JN

Postal Addres

154 Haxby Road
North Yorkshire
YO31 8JN

Nearby Extra-curricular Activities

There is a children's play ground located next to the school.

Public Transport

Public transport near Haxby Road Primary School at 154 Haxby Road York YO31 8JN includes several bus routes operated by First York and York Pullman. These include route numbers 2, 3, 5A, 5B, 6, 10, 11 and 12. The nearest bus/train station is located on Station Road (1.3 miles away) and offers frequent services to destinations across York and beyond, including Leeds, Hull, Doncaster, Sheffield and Manchester.

Shops and Restaurants in the area

There are a number of shops and restaurants near 154 Haxby Road Primary School. These include a supermarket, a local café, and a number of restaurants, including a Chinese takeaway, a Italian restaurant, and a chicken and chip shop.

School Fees

There is no set fee for schools fees for Haxby Road Primary School at 154 Haxby Road York YO31 8JN. However, the average school fee for a primary school in York is £4,200.

School Social Media

The facebook page is
The twitter page is @HaxbyRoadP1
The instagram page is @haxbyroadpu
The Pinterest page is
The linkedin page is

Additional Contact Info

Phone: 01904 723794

Contact Details

Telephone: 1904653218

Parliamentary Constituency: York Central
Administrative Ward: Clifton
Geographic Location: Urban city and town
LSOA: York 010A
Special Classes: Has Special Classes

Admissions Policy: Not applicable


FAQs - Haxby Road Primary School

Haxby Road Primary School currently has pupils attending from ages 3 to 11.

  • Girls:
  • Boys:

The listed Religious Character for Haxby Road Primary School is Does not apply.

Haxby Road Primary School Boarder policy is defined as: No Boarders<

Haxby Road Primary School currently has pupils attending from ages 3 to 11.

Haxby Road Primary School has a pupil capacity of 230.

The Acting Headteacher is Mrs Jane Golightly.

  • Teen Mothers: Not applicable
  • Child care facilities: Not applicable

Special Educational Needs (SEN) program: SLCN - Speech, language and Communication .

Haxby Road Primary School is Community School.

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