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School Profile

Arden Junior School

Arden Junior School Profile

Location: Find a school in ME7 1LS or in Gillingham

Arden Junior School at Cornwall Road in Gillingham ME7 1LS is an Ofsted rated "Outstanding" school for 7-11 year old students. It is a welcoming, family-oriented environment with a commitment to excellence. The school strives to provide a broad and balanced curriculum, with a strong focus on traditional academic subjects, while also offering opportunities for sports, music, and the arts. The school also has a strong emphasis on supporting pupils to become responsible members of the community by teaching them values such as respect, kindness, and respect for others.*

GSSLA Code Name: E06000035

Boarders: No Boarders

Special Classes: No Special Classes

Head: Ms Linda Edwards (Headteacher)

Administrative Ward: Gillingham North

Physical Addres

Cornwall Road

Postal Addres

Cornwall Road

Nearby Extra-curricular Activities

Extra-curricular activities at Arden Junior School at Cornwall Road Gillingham ME7 1LS may include: chess club, music club, rugby union club, and football club.

Public Transport

Public transport near Arden Junior School at Cornwall Road Gillingham ME7 1LS is well served by a variety of transport options, including buses, trains and taxis. The nearest bus stops are located on the nearby lines 6 and 77, which run to various locations around the Gillingham area, as well as Medway Hospital, Chatham Town Centre and Maidstone. The nearest train station is Gillingham Railway Station, which is around a 20-minute walk away and has frequent services to London, Medway and East Kent. There are also local taxi services available, with the nearest office being less than a 5-minute walk away.

Shops and Restaurants in the area

There are a number of shops and restaurants near Arden Junior School at Cornwall Road Gillingham ME7 1LS. Some of the shops and restaurants close by include Marks and Spencer, Costa Coffee, Subway, KFC, and Burger King.

School Fees

There are no school fees for Arden Junior School at Cornwall Road Gillingham ME7 1LS.

School Social Media

The Facebook page for Arden Junior School at Cornwall Road Gillingham ME7 1LS is The Twitter page for Arden Junior School at Cornwall Road Gillingham ME7 1LS is The Instagram page for Arden Junior School at Cornwall Road Gillingham ME7 1LS is . The Pinterest page for Arden Junior School at Cornwall Road Gillingham ME7 1LS is . The LinkedIn page for Arden Junior School at Cornwall Road Gillingham ME7 1LS is Cornwall Road Gillingham ME7 1LS

Additional Contact Info

Telephone: 01634 580020

Contact Details

Telephone: 1634852991

Parliamentary Constituency: Gillingham and Rainham
Administrative Ward: Gillingham North
Geographic Location: Urban city and town
LSOA: Medway 009C
Special Classes: No Special Classes

Admissions Policy: Not applicable


FAQs - Arden Junior School

Arden Junior School currently has pupils attending from ages 7 to 11.

  • Girls:
  • Boys:

The listed Religious Character for Arden Junior School is Does not apply.

Arden Junior School Boarder policy is defined as: No Boarders<

Arden Junior School currently has pupils attending from ages 7 to 11.

Arden Junior School has a pupil capacity of 360.

The Headteacher is Ms Linda Edwards.

  • Teen Mothers: Not applicable
  • Child care facilities: Not applicable

Special Educational Needs (SEN) program: No current program .

Arden Junior School is Community School.

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