Blair Avenue Ingleby Barwick
TS17 5BL
Blair Avenue Ingleby Barwick
TS17 5BL
Telephone: 1642754650 Parliamentary Constituency: Stockton South Administrative Ward: Ingleby Barwick West Geographic Location: Urban city and town LSOA: Stockton-on-Tees 023F Special Classes: Not applicable Admissions Policy: Comprehensive (secondary) Website:
All Saints Academy currently has 699 pupils attending from ages 11 to 16.
The listed Religious Character for All Saints Academy is Church of England.
All Saints Academy Boarder policy is defined as: No Boarders<
All Saints Academy currently has pupils attending from ages 11 to 16.
All Saints Academy is a Mixed school.
All Saints Academy has a pupil capacity of 700.
The Headteacher is Kevin Mann.
Special Educational Needs (SEN) program: No current program .
All Saints Academy is Academy Converter.
Schools 4 SA is always looking to expand the information on the website and we will try and assist with your queries on.