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School Profile

Alder Coppice Primary School

Alder Coppice Primary School Profile

Location: Find a school in DY3 3PS or in Dudley

Alder Coppice Primary School is located in Sedgley, Dudley, in the West Midlands. It covers the ages of 4-11 and is a single form entry school, meaning it caters for up to a class of 30 pupils. It has a strong emphasis on helping each and every child reach their full potential, providing both academic support and creative opportunities to experience. It offers a range of extra-curricular activities, such as arts and crafts, cross-curricular activities, music and outdoor learning. With a focus on inclusion and diversity, it provides an environment that is safe, supportive and nurturing for every pupil. It has also recently opened its own library and ICT suite. The school firmly believes that every child deserves the best possible start in life, and works hard to ensure this is achieved.*

GSSLA Code Name: E08000027

Boarders: No Boarders

Special Classes: No Special Classes

Head: Peter Mandelstam (Headteacher)

Administrative Ward: Sedgley

Physical Addres

Northway Sedgley
West Midlands

Postal Addres

Northway Sedgley
West Midlands

Nearby Extra-curricular Activities

There are many extra-curricular activities that take place near Alder Coppice Primary School at Northway Sedgley Dudley DY3 3PS. Some of these activities are football, cricket, dance, and Scouts.

Public Transport

The nearest public transport links to Alder Coppice Primary School are the bus stops along Park Lane and Manor Road, located around a 5 minute walk away. The bus routes that service these stops include the number 11, 15 and 16 routes operated by National Express West Midlands, travelling to Wolverhampton city centre, Dudley town centre and Merry Hill Shopping Centre respectively. For those who prefer trains, the nearest station is Coseley, located around a 20 minute journey away by bus or car. This station offers links to Wolverhampton, Birmingham and other town and cities in the West Midlands.

Shops and Restaurants in the area

There are a number of shops and restaurants close to Alder Coppice Primary School at Northway Sedgley Dudley DY3 3PS. These include a supermarket, a pizzeria, a Chinese takeaway, a pub, and a range of other eateries.

School Fees

There are no known school fees for Alder Coppice Primary School at Northway Sedgley Dudley DY3 3PS.

School Social Media

The facebook page for Alder Coppice Primary School at Northway Sedgley Dudley DY3 3PS is
The twitter page for Alder Coppice Primary School at Northway Sedgley Dudley DY3 3PS is @Alder_Coppice
The instagram page for Alder Coppice Primary School at Northway Sedgley Dudley DY3 3PS is @aldercoppice
The Pinterest page for Alder Coppice Primary School at Northway Sedgley Dudley DY3 3PS is
The linkedin page for Alder Coppice Primary School at Northway Sedgley Dudley DY3 3PS is

Additional Contact Info

Contact Number: 01902 688938

Contact Details

Telephone: 1384816610

Parliamentary Constituency: Dudley North
Administrative Ward: Sedgley
Geographic Location: Urban major conurbation
LSOA: Dudley 003E
Special Classes: No Special Classes

Admissions Policy: Not applicable


FAQs - Alder Coppice Primary School

Alder Coppice Primary School currently has 500 pupils attending from ages 3 to 11.

  • Girls: 255
  • Boys: 245

The listed Religious Character for Alder Coppice Primary School is None.

Alder Coppice Primary School Boarder policy is defined as: No Boarders<

Alder Coppice Primary School currently has pupils attending from ages 3 to 11.

Alder Coppice Primary School is a Mixed school.

Alder Coppice Primary School has a pupil capacity of 420.

  • Teen Mothers: Not applicable
  • Child care facilities: Not applicable

Special Educational Needs (SEN) program: No current program .

Alder Coppice Primary School is Foundation School.

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